Configuring Counting for the APS-90E

This article describes how to configure the APS-90E device for people counting.



1. Login to the APS-90E

Using the IP address of the APS-90E retrieved in your IoT Central app, open a browser to get to the login page:

If you do not see this page, double check that you are on the same LAN as the APS-90E, and that it is showing up in IoT Central.

Enter the default password admin and click "Login for Setup."

You should now be in the main user interface on the APS-90E:



2. Configure the floor and counting lines

For the most accurate and reliable people counts, it is important to calibrate the device height, and draw the floor area and counting lines precisely.  This is straightforward to do from the user interface.

Reminder: For a detailed best-practices on setting up the Hella APS-90E, refer to the setup manual


Using the "Camera Setup" page, modify the default floor lines to align to the shape and any obstructions in your counting area.  For example, below you see how the lines go around the door frame which is slightly constrained:

The red area defines the boundary of the space that can be used for counting. Click and drag to adjust the the orange floor area lines. These orange lines should cover the area that a person can walk through, and should NOT BE within the red area.

Once the floor area is setup, go into the Counting menu and click the "+" button to add a counting line. This will determine the threshold that counts a person entering or exiting a zone:

Add a name to the line and click the check mark to save.  Click "+" again to add more lines if desired.

To test it, walk pass the line and you should see the counter increment:

Returning to your IoT Central application, you should also see the charts for the APS-90E update with the counts:

Now, you can create dashboard tiles using the APS-90E data in IoT Central.  Other notes:

  • To reset the counts on the APS-90E, run the Reset command on the device page in IoT Central.
  • There are a number of other features such as distancing alarms and video recording.  These are not yet integrated into IoT Central, but can be access from the web UI of the APS-90E.