Changing the Text on the Rigado E-Status Display

This article describes how to modify the display text on the 2.9 inch Rigado E-Status Display .


1. Default text options

Rigado has pre-built a series of messages that can be displayed on the status screen. These are useful for a typical restroom-monitoring or desk occupancy scenario.  (Reach out to if you have a project that requires custom display text). Below are the default screens to choose from:

There are two ways to use IoT Central to modify the screen text:

  1. Using a command on an individual device
  2. Running a job, which issues a command to multiple devices.

2. Send a screen update to an individual device

In both scenarios, the command syntax is the same.  It is very important the command syntax is correct or the screen will not update. To set the screen, select the display device in IoT Central, enter the syntax that matches that screen, and click "run."  In about 10-15 seconds the screen will update.  Below are the different screen options and associated syntax to use:





3. Send a screen update to multiple devices

Using the same command syntax as above, you can update a group of devices simultaneously. Use the Jobs menu in IoT Central and select the EPaperDisplay device group. Use the command to set the desired screen, and run the job.  The screens will all update in 10-15 seconds.


Note: when updating the screen, you may notice a temporary flicker on the display as it changes text.  Occasionally, when large groups of screens are updated, some may timeout. The jobs screen includes an option to re-run the job on the screens that failed to update.